I am trying, really I am! What has been keeping me from reaching that "unrealistic" goal, you might ask? Well in no particular order..........:
~ My lovely yearly "dr" appt ( you know the one I am talking about....ICK)
~ My dental checkup (" well Andrea, you have a teeny tiny cavity and there is nothing you can do about it" "As we age, our teeth do too" GEE THANKS!!! That makes me feel SOOOOO much better).
~ TWO hours spent registering and evaluating my children for Upwards Basketball and Cheerleading ( I promise you that word must have spread through our city, that Upwards is amazing, because the line was Tripled from last year). Oh and to add to that fun, I had one child throw a fit because she didn't see any of her friends signing up for cheerleading, and my ex-boyfriend was right behind us in the line!!!!!!! These things only happen to me!
~ Waking up at the crack of dawn every single day to make lunches, and haul my sleep intoxicated children out of their beds. This is NO easy feat!!! Then we speed to school to make sure that they are there in time for honor choir rehearsal!!! Yes, I am proud of this!!!!
~ Helping one of the twins with her book report. Could it be the typical book report where you write on paper about the story? Heck no, why make my life any easier??? We are doing a "poster", and it must be creative!!!! I am NOT creative!
~ Surviving our first neighborhood association meeting and finding out that you really don't know what the neighbors are saying behind your back. Also, some people must have alot of free time on their hands if they find it useful to argue profusely about the color of drapes that someone hangs, and whether it is visible from the street!!!!!!!
So, there you have it...just a few things going on in my life! Thankfully, it is almost the weekend and I am planning to go to an all day Scrapbooking thing! Greg has promised to take the kids away for the day!!!! I am really looking forward to Summer! ( Yes I did say SUMMER)!!! ;)