Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Thankful Heart......

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. I made a pumpkin crisp, and brought the rolls and a salad to my SIL's house. She was so sweet and offered to host our family meal this year. We had a lovely lunch and the kids had a blast playing with their cousins outside and riding bikes all afternoon. Around 5pm, we took all the kiddos ( minus Noah) to see 'The Santa Clause 3'. All in all, a very nice day. I have so much to be thankful for ( see above pics for 3 reasons). I am ashamed to admit that so many days go by when I fail to count my numerous blessings, and instead choose to focus on things that I don't have or situations that I have no control over. I know God is asking me in this season of my life, to be thankful for all that I do have and not to worry about the rest. If I could just learn the lesson of contentment, then I think that would be a huge victory in my life. I must have one hard head because this seems to be a lesson that I have to be taught over and over. So on my blog, I just want to say Thank you to the Lord for all that he has done for me and for all of the many ways that he has blessed our family. We have all of our needs met and our cups are truly overflowing. Thank you , dear Jesus for loving me despite my struggles and weaknesses. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! :)

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