Thursday, December 13, 2007

The things a mother does:

I have been hunting a Nintendo Wii since October! I have tried/called everywhere. I am on an email alert system that lets me know when places have them in stock. Literally, they sell out in minutes!!! This would be the "end all " gift for my girls if I could find it. I thought I had TWICE this week. First, I was on my email and the alert clicked on and said that Amazon had them in stock. I immediately clicked over, put it in my cart, entered cc info, etc. I THOUGHT I had purchased one until I clicked 'complete order' and it said "sorry we no longer have these". I burst out crying!!!! THEN....yesterday a friend told me that she may have found me one....some friend of hers mother bought FIVE of them at Walmart in Hattiesburg! How I do not know?? I just want one. Well she had one left but somebody was debating whether to buy it or not!!! I the only one that thinks if you have to debate about it, then you should let someone that has been searching, have it??? UGH! This morning I stood in a line at Walmart, only to be told the truck showed up with ZERO on there! So, I am basically winding down my search...if anyone knows of one...LET ME KNOW!!! **And for the record, I know there are much more impt things to think about ,and to spend my energy on!!! ;( When you are a mom, you do ridiculous things for your kids.


Jennifer in MS said...

Well, we bought one the first part of November and seeing how hard they were to come by, we ended up with two since we were on Wal-mart call list (and got the other at Game Stop). They called on the same day so we got both of them and sold one on Ebay (just about 2 weeks ago!). I wish I had known you were looking! Have you tried Ebay or are they just selling for too high there? I know we made about $115 profit after paying shipping and Ebay/Paypal fees. Good luck finding one!

Andrea said...

Don't tell me that Jen!!! ;) UGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer in MS said...

Sorry Andrea! Just make sure you find out from Best Buy, Game Stop, Wal-mart, etc. when their shipment comes in. Gamestop held one for us for just a few minutes until we could get up there. Wal-mart did the same. You'll just have to take chances and be at one of those places first thing in the am. I'm sure it's getting harder to find one.

Ashley said...

Those things are impossible to find. We were looking for one for my cousin, and I just don't think it's going to happen!