Monday, April 07, 2008

Weekend Recap:

What a weekend!!! It started Friday with the horrid weather that came through. We lost power about 12:30pm and it didn't come back on until 10pm. I learned through that experience several good lessons...1. I don't have the patience of Job 2. I could never live during 'Little House' years and 3. Don't go to Mcallisters during power outages because everyone in the area has decided to do the same!!!!

Saturday, I had to get up way too early and go help register and pose students for pictures at the dance school. I came home around 2pm to find that my kitchen had apparently been the victim to 3 kids and a husband gone MAD!!!! Literally, it looked like he had let them open every kind of food we had and dump it all over the kitchen. Nothing raises my stress level like a messy kitchen. One and half hours later, I had it cleaned. Saturday evening, I went to the movies with my neighbor. We saw '21' and it was an enjoyable way to spend the evening. Of course, once again the entire area must have decided to do the same because the lines to buy a ticket curved around columns like a snake and it took 30 mins just to get into the theater. Nevertheless, I had no children with me so I was determined to enjoy myself....mission accomplished!!! I did come home to find that my girls had coaxed their dad into having a friend spend the night, their rooms were trashed and they had broken part of the blinds in Meredith's room. I just can't win!!!!

Sunday, we went to church. It was incredible. The pastor preached on being sexually pure which is definitely a "taboo" topic in most places. He pointed out the differences in Samson and Joseph and then at the end he had us all kneel and we prayed and said the Lords prayer together. I tell you it is quite powerful to look around and see 300+ people on their knees. My eyes were not dry!!! We went out to lunch and then strolled around the new Fresh Market ( again with half of the town). We bought mixed nuts, organic cookies, and some yogurt. We got home and some nut forgot to put the cookie dough and yogurt in the fridge...the expensive cookie dough and yogurt...because nothing at Fresh Market is cheap!!! In case you are wondering, the NUT was ME!!!!! I spent the afternoon visiting with neighbors while Greg put our new basketball goal together. Correction: Greg supervised while two neighbors put it together...ha ha!!! We got the kids to bed and watched 'Dan in Real Life'. If you haven't seen is really good! I wish they made more movies like that!

Fun times I tell you! ;)


Kearsmom said...

We did pictures FRIDAY after the storm...did Jennifer tell you about it? No power when we got there, it came on about 2:30. It took the photographer an HOUR to get there from his studio which is only about 10 minutes away.

All the phone and both her cells...were ringing off the hook. Finally, I asked if she wanted me to answer the studio phone. We ended up being there from 2 until almost 4! I answered the phone while she supervised photos till Rea Kay got there to help her! It was wild!

Anonymous said...

Email me your last name! I just saw the boys tball list and I was trying to figure out if one of them is your child.

Ashley said...

Good weekend! I really want to see the movie 21 and Dan in Real Life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Steve Carrell! By the way, where do you guys go to church?

Christy said...


I forgot about the pics. Oops, LG was supposed to get them done...

I would have killed my husband, I am glad you restrained ;)